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    A world first. The uniquely designed, and specially crafted Clay Masks, by LuxeSticks were born, for a no mess, no fuss and easy application. An absolute game-changer, in the beauty space. You will look and feel luminous, across our wide range of Australia’s first-ever fruit extract, Clay Masks, produced on a roll-on stick. Giving you every essential benefit to tackle your ultimate skin needs.

    Founder, Samuel Levi wanted to create something, unique, easy and affordable for all at home wanting to keep on top of their beauty regime. With a design, now made into a stick, it was his mission to invent something that was accessible, and 100% eliminating the mess, as well as being suitable for those who have super sensitive skin, like himself.   

    Replenish your skin now, with natural moisture, leaving your skin feeling refreshed, in these super convenient and light sticks.

    The cruelty-free and vegan-friendly products are all designed to add to your everyday skincare routine, with each stick targeted for certain areas of concern.  

    Whether it be, to restore your skin, tighten your skin, detoxify or smooth. LuxeSticks, have you covered. The entire LuxeSticks range is super gentle on sensitive skin and makes your skin glow!